About Aesthetics Steps

Gross Motor Skills
Gross Motor Skills
  • To promote locomotive skills.
  • To enhance the ability to crawl, sit down and stand with assistance.
  • To learn how to push and pull objects.
  • To learn how to manipulate objects with different body parts.
  • To promote one’s concept of spatial awareness.
  • To improve one’s sense of balance.
  • *The learning objectives will vary depending on the lessons.
Fine Motor Skills
Fine Motor Skills
  • To release objects voluntarily.
  • To practise hand-eye coordination.
  • To promote finger dexterity through tearing, peeling, sticking and scooping.
  • To learn how to transfer objects from one location to another.
  • To practise stacking and knocking down objects.
  • To practise hanging and hooking.
  • To explore different textures through poking, squeezing, pinching and stretching objects.
  • *The learning objectives will vary depending on the lessons.
Cognitive Development
Cognitive Development
  • To practise sorting objects by shapes, sizes and colours.
  • To learn about the concept of object permanence.
  • To participate in pretend play.
  • To recognise common objects.
  • To explore basic concepts.
  • To explore functions of different objects.
  • *The learning objectives will vary depending on the lessons.
Sensory Development
Sensory Development
  • To explore different textures and materials.
  • To stimulate children’s sensory experiences (smell, touch, sight, hearing and taste).
  • To fulfil the children’s needs to play, investigate and explore.
  • To arouse children’s curiosity.
  • *The learning objectives will vary depending on the lessons.
Physical Development
Physical Development
  • To promote body control (fine motor and gross motor).
  • To practise locomotor skills such as crawling, walking, running, rolling objects and kicking in different directions.
  • To enhance one’s concept of spatial awareness.
  • To participate in cooperative play.
  • *The learning objectives will vary depending on the lessons.
Music and Movement  - Self-expression and Creativity
Music and Movement - Self-expression and Creativity
  • To introduce basic rhythms and beats.
  • To create/improvise music through different mediums.
  • To cultivate one’s appreciation of music.
  • To stimulate one’s sense of hearing.
  • To practise how to coordinate body movements according to the beat.
  • *The learning objectives will vary depending on the lessons.
Aesthetic Development
Aesthetic Development
  • To nurture one’s creativity.
  • To create/improvise a piece of artwork by using different materials.
  • To practise using different tools to create/improvise a piece of artwork.
  • To enhance eye-hand coordination, perseverance and patience.
  • To enhance one’s concept of spatial awareness.
  • *The learning objectives will vary depending on the lessons.