Learning Domains

We provide a whole-child curriculum at Little Habs, guiding your children to take bigger steps in every possible way. 

Gross Motor Skills Learn More
Fine Motor Skills Learn More
Cognitive Development Learn More
Language Development Learn More
Sensory Development Learn More
Physical Development Learn More
Music and Movement - Self-expression and Creativity Learn More
Aesthetic Development Learn More
Social and Emotional Development Learn More
Learn more about your potential journey at Little Habs.


We provide an array of programmes that cater to a wide spectrum of your children’s developmental years. No matter what stage they are in, Little Habs will be there every step of the way.


Baby Steps
10-13 months
Baby Steps

The start of your children’s life is the greatest time to learn. With activities that engage them physically and mentally, our Baby Steps programme acts as a perfect starting point for their developmental needs!

Toddler Steps
14-19 months
Toddler Steps

Our Toddler Steps programme follows up our Baby Steps programme with a wider variety of lessons and materials, providing further scaffolding for your children to learn more.

Giant Steps
20-27 months
Giant Steps

As your children grow, their minds begin to take bigger leaps and bounds than ever before; they will be taking Giant Steps in their learning and will encounter activities that will greatly encourage them to gain independence and begin to learn new concepts.

20-32 months

Our ‘Get Ready for Kindergarten’ (GRK) programme is a fantastic resource your children can undertake prior to beginning their pre-school education. Our classes greatly enhance the focus on communication skills, self-driven learning and the ability to thrive in regular schooling.


Program is well designed, class materials are well prepared and creative, the team, not only the class teachers but the whole Little Habs team, is very professional, caring and cheerful. They have many useful parenting talks too.

Our 26 months son joined Habby’s Live Online for 3 weeks from California for the purpose of learning new skills and development, specifically Putonghua.  Our son had Putonghua exposure through our local library once a month, but due to “Shelter In Place” that ceased and Little Habs in HK came to our attention and class schedule worked even in California time.  Our family is more than delighted with the phenomenal learning (shout out to Mr. Carl for his enthusiasm, smile and join he brings to the children).  One key takeaway was the ability of our son’s ability to retain his academic knowledge – we’re continually reminded of Habby’s education, when our son repeats his acquired studies, such as spoken word “whiskers” and his hand gestures of whiskers whenever he sees a dog, cat and other animals with whiskers.   Our son’s completely learnt the letter’s A-B-C, not through daycare in the US, but via Little Habs in HK.

Parent of Little Habs (USA)

多謝Little Habs 令小兒喜愛上學,作為父母,能看到他在課堂上開心地笑、主動地玩、而學術有所提升,已心滿意足。謝謝!


Really appreciate the songs composed by the teachers. it is catchy and can be downloaded and plays to my child at home.

I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all the teachers, assistants and staff of Little Habs (TKO Campus), especially Ms.Joey, Ms.Wendy, Mr.Carl, Ms. Diana and Miss Sopheia. Thank you for taking care of our Daughter, Yeung Hoi Kiu, during her golden learning stage of toddles. 

I hope that Little Habs will arrange for Online Courses again, like the Habby's Live, during the difficult period. We ensure that support and enroll for the courses. 

小兒SIT HOI薛鎧現在30個月,參加左兩個月既Get Ready For Kindergarten Online (BCE),課程內容好全面,教材有趣好玩,Mr. Carl教得好生動,佢好鍾意Mr. Carl, 上堂上得好開心,經常同我分享課程內容,我覺得佢最近係學習上突飛猛進,多謝little Habs係疫情期間舉辦呢個課程,希望little Habs能夠繼續為30個月以上既小朋友開辦Online Class, 即使小兒現已開學,在下午回校上課,倘若再次開辦早上Online Class, 我必會為小先報讀,謝謝little Habs & Mr. Carl的悉心教導和在各方面花心思,你地做得好好!

Ophelia一直都在Little Habs上playgroup,由Infant Steps 到現在Toddler Steps,見到Ophelia各方面都有很大的進步。Little Habs的環境和教學模式都很適合小朋友進行不同的活動,我深深感受到Ophelia在每堂課堂中都能愉快地學習。老師們亦非常有耐性和愛心,能包容不同個性的小朋友,鼓勵他們探索,活動中營造出一個快樂的學習氣氛,配上吸引的學習環境,Ophelia真的很喜歡到Little Habs上課。

Molly和Duncan從13個月起便開始在Little Habs上課,Little Habs給我們的第一個印象是:環境清潔和活動空間很大;加上每位老師都十分有禮貌,這已讓我們有很好的感覺。而課堂中,老師透過不同的主題,不但教導Molly和Duncan表達和聆聽等知識,我們很欣賞他們也會教導小朋友做一個能與別人相處和有良好品德的好孩子,例如老師一定要小朋友用雙手接著老師給他們的東西;收拾玩具時要「輕輕」地把玩具放好;特意安排小組活動,讓小朋友學懂與人分享等……這些看似簡單,但十分重要的仔細環節,老師都會從活動中教導Molly和Duncan。

現在Molly和Duncan都上幼稚園了,老師都跟我們說他們比其他小朋友更懂得與人相處,從中亦見他們會主動幫助別人。我們十分感激Little Habs對Molly和Duncan的教導:不但教導小朋友,老師更會與我們分享他們的教學心得和經驗,讓我們做家長的能從中學習。再次感激Little Habs的所有老師對Molly和Duncan的付出,我們有空定會來探望你們的。

Hayden從九個月大開始上 playgroup,我們選擇 Little Habs 是因為學校提供了良好的英文語境,這裡不但環境優美、寛敞,整潔的空間非常適合孩子活動,而且課堂教材豐富,遊戲亦多元化。



承晉即將踏入二十個月大,現在他是個活潑主動、聆聽指令和自理能力不錯的孩子,相比剛上課的時候有很大的進步。我們由衷感謝Little Habs的團隊,讓孩子能在輕鬆愉快的氣氛下學習。承晉每星期都很期待上學,希望他愛上學的情緒能一直伸延下去。

Little Habs見證著Hontas的成長。Hontas在疫情期間出世,出生後一年,Hontas主要在家渡過,在她踏入13個月時,我們決定為她報讀Little Habs的Baby Steps課程。這裏的所有老師和行政人員都非常有愛心、有耐性和經常以鼓勵的方式幫助她學習,例如老師會觀察Hontas的成長和改變,從而主動與家長溝通。Hontas會在家將課堂中的學習內容表現出來,她由起初「爆喊」,到現在(Giant Steps 24個月)上完課堂後不捨得離開,可見她已跟老師們和這間中心建立了感情。

Bosco今年2.5歲,由15個月開始喺Little Habs度讀咗一年。Little Habs口碑好,全部課堂由具純正英語口音既英語老師任教,剩係呢點已經好過好多其他Playgroup。因為我地全家人都係講廣東話,所以一直都擔心Bosco英文會追唔上,而Little Habs係以全英語授課,最初一兩堂佢都唔係好習慣,但之後佢開始慢慢學習老師講野,小朋友真係好神奇,佢地學得好快,加上老師見到Bosco好鍾意聽歌,仲建議我地返屋企可以播多D英文兒歌,而爸爸媽媽可以同Bosco一邊聽歌,一邊做動作,令佢緊容易明白歌曲內容。而家Bosco讀緊一間英普幼稚園,英文對佢黎講真係完全唔係問題。

Alden今年3歲,由10個月開始喺Little Habs度讀咗一年半。香港有好多唔同教育機構都有playgroup課程,其實內容都唔會有好大分別,但我好著重老師既教學質素,同埋佢地係咪真心想教好小朋友,即係會從活動中主動觀察小朋友,了解唔同小朋友既學習同成長需要。Little Habs係朋友介紹,佢地話Little Habs既老師會喺課堂中觀察小朋友既表現,然後睇吓點樣幫助小朋友提升佢地既學習能力。當然,我自己亦有做資料搜集,都見到有好多好正面既評語,所以就開始報讀Little Habs。

Alden雖然係男仔,不過佢超怕羞,頭幾堂都有“扭計”,而老師會不斷鼓勵佢參與唔同既活動,亦叫我都要全情投入課堂,同Alden一齊學習。落堂之後,老師主動俾咗好多建議我點樣幫助Alden改善問題,例如建議Alden上堂前早10分鐘到中心,俾佢同老師一齊玩玩具,令到佢更熟悉老師同埋中心環境,過咗兩星期,Alden已經可以完全投入課堂,仲好鍾意老師,我真係好多謝老師願意犧牲自己既時間去幫助Alden成長。 而家既Alden已經變成一個唔再怕羞、鍾意學習既小朋友,而且英文既聽講能力都好好,雖然Alden而家已經讀緊幼稚園,不過我地全家人都好感激Little Habs老師對Alden既付出。